I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Cleaning out my Closets

I just did something fun.

I took Summer for a walk to the chinese grocery store, to get her beef jerky and my cancer sticks, and on the route back, I passed a garage sale. The normal crap was there.. old tupperware, furniture, wicker baskets, etc. And there, in the midst of all this garbage, it stood. It's the ugliest baby blue Samsonite suitcase I've ever seen, and at $1, who could resist? I actually ended up talking them down to 50 cents when I told them my purpose for the hideous piece of luggage. I guess old people like it when young people are wacky and full of life.

Wanna know the purpose?

I just cleaned out ALL my closets and put he-who-shall-remain nameless' assorted clothing items and toiletries and old threadbare towels jam-packed into the large leather case, and I'll send it with my roommate for him tomorrow.

That made me happy.

Back to nothing.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

They're Brown.. They're Proud!

Oh my..

As if my life wasn't chaotic enough to create a headache on my own terms, on the bus home tonight, I had the pleasure of being seated in front of the most annoying person on the face of the planet.

He was a brown guy who spoke limited English with a cell phone. Now before you accuse me of being racist and a bigot, allow me to explain. If you were in my position, namely fresh off a stressful shift at a customer service job, with a slight caffeine hangover, a raging headache and only enough money to afford a bus trip, and you had to listen to someone ramble on for a 20 minute bus ride at a level well above what my kindergarten teacher used to call an 'inside voice', wouldn't you be a little pissed, too?

What is up with that? I see plenty of people on the bus on cell phones.. and the vast majority of them keep their voices at a comfortable, low level, possibly out of courtesy or for the want of minimal privacy, but because he's not speaking English and there's no fear of prying ears, he therefore can talk as loudly as his voice will go, the ENTIRE trip.

But now I'm just complaining.. so maybe that's my hint.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hey Baby, Hey Baby, Hey

I'm such a weirdo.

Normally, the sight of a cute baby does nothing for me. Ten times out of ten, if you put a kid and a puppy together, I'm going to grab the puppy first. Babies make me uncomfortable and I don't get that motherly 'tingly' feeling deep down inside. But....

I saw today the cutest baby ever. He was a little black kid, and he had the cutest big, brown eyes, chubby cheeks and big lips. I just wanted to eat him up.

AHHHHH.. so what they said is true? The biological clock I thought was broken seems to be back in action with a vengeance.