Cleaning out my Closets
I just did something fun.
I took Summer for a walk to the chinese grocery store, to get her beef jerky and my cancer sticks, and on the route back, I passed a garage sale. The normal crap was there.. old tupperware, furniture, wicker baskets, etc. And there, in the midst of all this garbage, it stood. It's the ugliest baby blue Samsonite suitcase I've ever seen, and at $1, who could resist? I actually ended up talking them down to 50 cents when I told them my purpose for the hideous piece of luggage. I guess old people like it when young people are wacky and full of life.
Wanna know the purpose?
I just cleaned out ALL my closets and put he-who-shall-remain nameless' assorted clothing items and toiletries and old threadbare towels jam-packed into the large leather case, and I'll send it with my roommate for him tomorrow.
That made me happy.
Back to nothing.