I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My Year as it Appeared

I know a lot of people that write Christmas letters to their friends and family as a way of condensing the entire year's happenings into a neat little package instead of feeling guilty about not staying in contact the entire year and doing NOTHING. I chose to take sloth to a new level and just blog it and hope everyone eventually stumbles on it.

Herein are the details of my entire last year to celebrate a year's worth of blogging!

So Wayne, the guy I met online at a Social networking site in the Spring of '04, and then leaped into a living situation with only a few months into dating, turned out to be a complete cheating nimrod. I heard a lot of 'I told you so' and 'I had a bad feeling about him', but it will never cease to amaze me how many people crawl out of the woodworks with these sorts of sentiments, but just smile and ask when a wedding is impending when you're in the situation.

Tact is one thing, but honesty a completely different thing. The next time I'm with a bad news guy, I want everyone who feels that way to stand up and simultaneously shout 'WASTE-OF-SKIN-ALERT!'. Anything short of this may go unnoticed by me, I warn you.

We officially broke up this spring, although there were breakups this time last Christmas, in January, February, March, etc. In any case.. it's finally done.

Summer finally and officially achieved her Championship with a Best of Breed win in Camrose, Easter weekend, under a lecherous American judge.

Not sure if it was Summer's flawless movement or my bouncing boobs that did it, either way, it doesn't matter. I was too broke to pay for any more entry fees. In reality, she finished her championship February in Calgary, but we all counted points wrong.

While in Calgary, I got to see Tobi, who is doing well, although still immensely disappointed in me for not moving down to Cowtown with her, and pursuing the Wayne thing. I understand why now.

I also finally got to meet Erik, whom I had been talking to online for well over a year by that point, and the three of us enjoyed a fabu Vietnamese meal.

I took over my own branch in January, and proceeded to 'clean-up' all the questionable accounts this old 'manager' left behind for me. Much fun.

In February, I finally got to experience a helicopter in all it's glory. 'Good Wayne' and one of the pilots at Delta took me up for a quick burn. Great experience and I'm ever so thankful to have the chance to do this!

April, the company I was working for was bought out by one of the biggest corporations in Canada. It was a painful transition, and my delicate composure was officially frazzled. I resigned my position and moved to work under another manager at a different branch.

May, I went to the Green Day concert with Ryan.. which was fucking amazing! I know you're not supposed to bring cameras or recording devices, but I captured 2 videos, 1/2 the concert on my handheld recorder and took a ton of pics. Also bought a few T-shirts and Ryan bought me a program. Hella good night!

June, I hopped the big grey dog back to DC to watch my not-so-little brother graduate from High School. I cried, mostly because I graduated years ago and still don't know what 'I want to be when I grow up'.

At the end of June, Dickhead Wayne finally moved out of the house, and back in with his ex wife.

July, I rekindled something with an old flame from pre-DHW. It was beautiful, it was romantic, it was -- short lived. Sadly he had his own issues to work on, and we parted ways one final time.

August, I lived. Nothing interesting happened, except I had a garage sale in hopes to liquidate Wayne's possessions into something a little less IN MY HOUSE. He sent his ex mother in law to confront me, and apparently there was some agreement. Read more.

September I scheduled a week off for holidays, and went back to DC for some much needed R&R with Summer. Ryan drove me there, and we had a great weekend. He headed back to the city on Sunday, and by Tuesday, my landlord was calling because DHW had broke into my house and get whatever was left of his instead of coming 5 days prior when I was home and we had planned for him to come. End R&R time, and begin panic mode.

I've drawn the conclusion the EPS are a bunch of donut-hole ingesting morons.

Come back to the city and cover the basement with the dirty dishes Alex left in the kitchen while I was gone. He moves out an hour later.

Mid-September, Tammy, my new boss, finds herself in a scary living situation and her parents and I do a quick E-move into my now almost empty house. Her, Jeremy, the animals and I live happily for September and October.

Tammy finds her own apartment, moves out, and I scramble to find a new roommate for November 1st.

Pam, my neighbour across the alley suggests a guy that she works with who is hard pressed for a place to live. I oblige, let him move in, and then am still finding I need to scramble to come up with the entirety of rent when the moron fails to pay and then pulls a disappearing act.

I threaten to kick him out, and finally on the 15th of the month he comes up with rent and half of the money for utilities. Then he tells me his mother is in the hospital back in Sudbury and he has to go home to be with her. I find out the day after he left that he got canned from his job.

Also, at the beginning of this month I have an emotional breakdown, and my Regional manager makes me take a week off for stress leave. It was brilliantly scheduled as Corey was coming to Edmonton to look for work that week anyway. He is capitivated by the city, and makes plans to move in sometime in December.

The day before he's scheduled to go back home, good Wayne asks us to accompany him back to Dawson. It works out perfectly, since Corey will save money on a bus ticket back, and I'm always up to have a visit with the Fam. I attend the Grande Prairie dog show, get all sentimental, and mom talks me into taking a puppy back home. I go from being Bridgit: owned by Summer and Onye to Bridgit: Owned by Summer, Onye AND Lincoln. Happiness and lost shoes ensues.

I finally get transferred to the new branch, and after day one am so freaking frustrated that I'm ready to throw in the towel and just drop my resignation early.

So here I sit, early in December, snow is finally on the ground and I look back at the year and think --


Despite all the drama, my life is really boring.

Best wishes to all, I hope everyone makes the most of the next year to come. :)


Blogger Unknown said...


I am contacting you because I am working with the authors of a book about blogs, and I'd like to request permission to use a photograph of yours in this book. Please contact me at hannah@wefeelfine.org, and I'd be happy to give you more information about the project. Please paste a link to your blog in the subject field. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.



Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 12:53:00 PM PDT


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