I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Preconceived Notions

Just before I pop off to go snuggle with the puppies and read the copy of The Da Vinci Code that Wayne lent me (wonderful book by the way, I'm incredibly intrigued, although admittedly I am a complete pop culture whore!) I had a quick (PROMISE!) story and piece of wisdom to impart to everyone.

I got home from work today and started talking to this girl Syn who is on my MSN list.

Syn is a single mom of an adorable 4 year old girl, she has two dogs and trains dogs in her spare time, and is a very witty and intelligent person to talk to. We ended up talking for over an hour tonight.

Syn is also Bad Wayne's ex girlfriend -- prior to me, after Kristie (ex wife).

Now I know I should have known this already, based on what Kristie told me the night we confronted him in Mill Woods in the spring, but from now on, I take what people tell me about someone with a grain of salt. I will draw my own conclusions. More people should.

Also, we made a mutual decision to abbreviate him to DHW (=Dickhead Wayne) to differentiate him from 'Good Wayne', who is still good.

PS. Good Wayne.. you're a bum. Where's the post I asked for?


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