I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Baby, it's COLD outside

So cold you can feel the tiny hairs on your face frosting up.
So cold that you dash in front of cars wondering WHY THE HELL they think they get to go before allowing (poor, pitiful, climate control-less) you to cross the street.
So cold that halfway through a walk equivalent to roughly 6 city blocks you consider whether it's still worth your while to turn back.
So cold that $17 for a fuzzy scarf seems like an awesome deal.

Obviously I went for a walk today and did some impromptu shopping. I've been back in my office for roughly 6 minutes and the feeling is just starting to come back into my extremities.

I often wonder why I'm still living in the north, and the dream of stealing my roommate's dog and living happily ever after in Bali begins to seem less and less like one of the pipe variety.



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