I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Monday, October 26, 2009

People are Time Bombs


Since most of you know I work in a healthcare related field, it shouldn't come as any big surprise that (mostly due to the media outlets) everyone is concerned and wanting answers about big, bad ol' H1N1. Since all I am truly qualified to say is that it's important during flu season (but really always) to practice diligent personal hygiene by washing your hands frequently and well, to cough or sneeze into your sleeve, and to avoid going out in public if you're sick (or alternately to avoid sick people if you're well), I'll pass on BC's Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport's webpage on H1N1 which can be found at http://www.gov.bc.ca/h1n1/ to answer any further questions.

But for that bag who called here this morning while I was covering reception to tear a strip off of me because you had a whole bunch of questions I was not qualified to answer, and you refused to believe that the person operating the switchboard actually was REQUIRED to answer all those other calls coming in -- grow up, lady.

If you honestly think you are the only person out there who watched the news this morning and thought it was a brilliant idea to start calling healthcare providers for more questions, think again. During the one hour prior to your call, I fielded over 100 calls all wanting the same answers you did, and I am NOT qualified to give them as I pointed out several times during your call. Receptionists are not personally responsible for answering the plethora of questions posed to us on a daily basis, we are only responsible for re-directing you to someone who can, so if you refuse to be directed to them, follow these directions carefully:

1) Take a deep breath
2) Understand that just because you are frustrated and we are the first voice on the phone, we are, in all likelihood NOT responsible for your problems and it is unfair to project your frustration on us.
3) Hang up the phone
4) Go for a walk
5) Never call again.

I am going to be SO happy when flu season is over.


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