I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Tonight is my last night in the apartment Miss Rose and I dubbed "Penelope the Palatial Pink Palace".

I'm sitting here alone, surrounded by my belongings in boxes, remembering the good times and the bad and thinking that although it doesn't seem like that long ago that I was waiting on bated breath for the phone call confirming she was ours, it was actually 9 long months ago.

In 9 months, she has changed appearance, gained occupants, hosted sleepovers (of both the PG and not so varieties), granted hospitality to drunken bar goers and been the venue for a few crazy get togethers.

This morning I left for work and took one last look back through the door to savor what will be my last morning leaving at 7:57 for my 8am shift. Wednesday was the last time I could walk home on lunch and still have an hour left. Tonight will be the last night that Miss Onye and I will get to sleep in the "Bed that Hugs Back" in "Penelope the Palatial Palace".

I'm such a nostalgic sap, but, God, I am going to miss this apartment.


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