I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Friday, November 14, 2008

After 2.5 weeks..

First things first:

To my sister, it's not an allergy just a bit of an intolerance. :) I don't feel any older or any wiser, but sometimes I catch myself referring to my situation as 'someone in her early twenties' and realize that's technically no longer accurate. I am not officially in my mid twenties. Tres depressing.

I've been going E-Bay crazy the past few weeks. It started out as a well meaning way to get some early Christmas presents (although technically Christmas was only a little over 2 months away, so it can't really be considered early gifts, can it?) but it turned into a full flung obsession after a few days. Pressing the 'Bid Now' button became automatic, and the next thing I know I was bidding on 36 items, watching 15 while paying for a few 'Buy It Now's.

Long story short I have a grand total of 2 actual Christmas gifts, a really cool vintage handbag and a Nokia N800 on the way.

I fell in love with that last device while I was in Paris at a hostel. One of my American roommates had one, and since the 2 working computers they had in the lobby were almost always occupied, he allowed us all to check our Facebook before we went to bed. Since WiFi hotspots are so commonplace now that I even see signs advertising them in good ol' Dawson Creek, I decided it was time to bite the bullet and give in to my increasing dependency on the interweb.

I thought long and hard about getting an iPhone, but if I plan on staying in Dawson for awhile, it seems a little silly to buy a phone that runs on a network that doesn't reach anywhere near my folks' place and I certainly have no need for an iPod Touch with my kickass 30 GB Zen Vision:M still rocking my world, so I thought having a portable internet tablet would be the way to go.

Sadly, I did not get the job I was in line for. I would go into detail, but after checking my blog traffic, I realize that I should keep things a little more PC especially when referring to goings-on at EnCana Steeprock. Oh well, life goes on.

Mr. V is still great. He mentioned on a whim the other day that we should look into getting working holiday Visa's to take a trip to Australia next winter, and that was all it took.. I was posing for cheesy pictures in front of Uluru and the Sydney Opera House, taking helicopter rides over the 12 Apostles, diving in the Great Barrier Reef and getting drunk in a sweet Melbourne nightclub. Now to make all my dreams a reality...

His house is almost completed. His dad is doing his flooring tomorrow morning, while he finishes drywalling the bathroom and getting the flooring for the kitchen, bath and porch. I'm extremely excited to have a place to hang out where parents don't pay the mortgage.

Mom went in for a partial hysterectomy last week and is home and in pain now. I am playing nursemaid and Go-For for the next 2 weeks at least.

Other than that, things are well. The snow has landed and not left, which although sad means that dogsledding is in the cards in the next few weeks. The dogs and I both need the exercise and I need more photo ops in my life.


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