I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Can I see your license and registration, please?

Today I gave in.

It's been almost a month since tickets for the biggest concert to hit Edmonton in a LONG time went on sale and for a month I've been flipflopping on the issue.

Dropping several hints to a certain someone, so the choice could just be made for me, garnered utterly no results.

So today, I stood up, looked over my cubicle wall at the accountant, Connie and said, "Connie, Yes or No?".

She smiles because she's like that and says, "Yes?".

So I bought tickets for The Police.


Blogger Quirky Cori said...

I'm guessing by your lack of posting that you have been addicted to other websites. Is that correct????

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 8:35:00 PM PDT


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