I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Be a Bookworm without leaving your.. computer?

I'll not beat around the bush. I read -- a lot.

If I'm not currently immersed in 3 different books (one thoughtful for the bus travel to and from work, one for mindless bed-time reading and one when I need to think but stop thinking specifically about the subject matter of book one) then it's an off week. Or I owe 1/4 of my paycheque in library fines (again) and I've already (UGH!) dipped into the bag of Harlequin's mom sent me to throw into my garage sale.

But I am overjoyed to discover this beauty of a URL.

Imagine this. You're sitting at work staring at the wall as you have been for the past 25 minutes, the only recent email received was a reminder from your boss about performance assessments next week and you'd have to mortgage your first born just to be able to afford what you've lost on Solitaire, were it real life.

Wanna catch up on your reading?

Afraid the boss might finally can you if he caught you flipping through War and Peace, especially since you're still treading thin ice with that whole Office Christmas Party Xeroxing incident?

Don't fret. Click. You won't be disappointed.


Blogger DTD Time Traveler said...

You sound like a commercial!

I usually just read on the bus to and from work and school. Except now I work less, and live within walking distance of the school....so yeah...less reading.

I will read a lot this weekend though, as I will be on an island with not much civilzation and without my computer.

Saturday, October 7, 2006 at 11:36:00 AM PDT


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