Random Things for Tooosday
- I started writing a blog entry about 9/11 last night, but about halfway through we got hit by a super cool electric storm and all our power went out. I wish the boy was here. Playing 'Go Fish' by candlelight is my idea of romance.
- My basement is the messiest of the messy. My bedroom, with it's 3.5 walls painted and painting supplies skirting the one side of the room is as neat as it gets.
- I wrote a 750 word essay last night (well, 753 including the title 'The United Voice') in order to be eligible for a $1500 scholarship contest my dad's union is putting on. It's great, and it will win. Too bad I didn't read the application requirements before I tapped it out. I need to be currently enrolled in a post secondary institution to be eligible. So I gave it to my brother (shh.. don't tell) and told my mom they owe me a damn good Christmas present when it wins.
- Another big storm is on the way. The dog is trying to hide under my leg, and I fear we'll have another power outage tonight. But I must stress that I love electric storms.
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