I Want to Bitch..
.. so I'm going to.
3 years ago I worked a retail job that I kind of liked but that never managed to get me ahead. In fact, it got me farther behind.
I paid $500 for a room in a dark basement suite that I hated with a roommate that emotionally drained me most of the time and not one part of me felt like I was accomplishing anything more than going through the motions.
Some months I had $20 for groceries and made a $50 payment on my VISA that wasn't even a minimum on it just so they wouldn't take the damn thing away.
When I filed my income tax that year, the Alberta government subsidized my Health Care because I was officially impoverished. Meaning I made under $24,000 that year.
I cut up my VISA about 10 months ago when I decided the temptation was too much, but in light of the many reasons I need a credit card, I applied for a Mastercard today.
And when it came time to fill in my yearly income, I played on the adding machine multiplying my hourly wage by my weekly hours, and that by the amount of weeks in a year and came out with a sum that almost made me cry.
I work in a bank, and I will still be considered impoverished this tax season.
I don't want you to feel sorry for me, because I'm just in a melancholy mood tonight and I'll probably be over it come morning, but people, I listen to your problems all the time without complaint.. sometimes I have problems that I'd like to talk about, too.
And yet you manage to have a lot of fun in life...from what I know of it.
Thursday, August 31, 2006 at 11:31:00 AM PDT
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