I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Too Little, Too Late

I got sort of a strange email in my hotmail inbox today.

An old ex of mine has been 'thinking' about me lately and wanted to reconnect and see what I was up to.

In light of the fact that we share a mutual friend, and the mutual friend has shared some things with me that were sort of shared in confidence between the two of them, I feel very uncomfortable about this particular olive branch.

I guess at the risk of being too vague, I should say that he felt whatever happened between the two of us in the bedroom was fair game for conversation topics. Not that the remarks were derogatory (I'll beep my own horn and say these same remarks got the friend dually interested), but a gentleman never tells. And let's face it. I want a gentleman.

It's disappointing for me because I never would have thought he would have been the type. This is the same guy who told me that kids were the most important thing to him in regards to his future, and then later rescinded it to tell me that if a future with me meant no kids, he would do that for me.

He denies these remarks, but the specific details of what occurred between us are too accurate to just be guessed.

So what do I do? Talk to the guy to maintain what used to be a friendship prior to us getting involved? Or drop it altogether?


Blogger Quirky Cori said...


I guess this is a case where you can either laugh it off with him or you can just let him know it bothered you. If you want him as a freind, then write back.

You just really need to think about what you need. Frankly, I don't think you need him. If he's been gone from your life this long, I would start to wonder why he wants to talk to you now. Is it for a trip down memory lane, or is it because he truly cares about you?

I know that you are in a good spot right now romantically so it isn't exactly like you need this person in your life. Also, if they are calling you because they liked the bedroom antics, I don't think that's a real adult way to think about things.

Good luck lil sis. I know you can make it.

Monday, June 26, 2006 at 7:24:00 PM PDT

Blogger DTD Time Traveler said...

Who reads your blog? Sometimes I wonder if anyone you speak of reads about themselves here. That'd be interesting.

I don't know about finding a gentlemen. Are there many left out there?

Monday, June 26, 2006 at 10:15:00 PM PDT


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