Popstar Paris
I have a sick obsession with Paris Hilton.
It's true.
Please don't judge me.
I'm not entirely sure where it stems from ("One Night in Paris"?) but whenever I saw that Carl's Jr ad with her writhing all over the car I stopped dead, and I practically maul Rossy if he changes the channel from E! if there's something about Miss Hilton on there.
Call me crazy (everyone else does) but there's something about her that just makes me stop and stare stupidly into space. Maybe it's the stupid factor. Maybe Paris is sending me and the rest of the world subliminal messages, but I have to admit her new video for her single "Stars are Blind" (yes world, she made an album) is pretty f'n hot.
Trent from Pink is on the ball, it does sort of sound like "The Tide is High" but I can dig it.
Maybe I just wish I looked that perfect in a bikini.
Yes. That must be it.
stupid yes
hot .....yes i guess so
Sunday, June 11, 2006 at 10:53:00 PM PDT
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