I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Drinking, Winning and Dancing on Picnic Tables

After last night, 3 things must be said...

1) It's a good thing I don't own a lampshade, since one would quite obviously have been on my head last evening.

2) Iced Tea and Rye are not suitable for human consumption when mixed together.

3) Truth or Dare is twice as much fun when alcohol is involved.

My night started out when I went out with Bob for caramels, but since caramel bars are in short supply, we just ended up heading to Chianti's on Whyte for pasta (actually, gnocchi, since he's lead a sheltered existence and has never tried it), and then went to the park to swing (on swings nonetheless) and tried to figure out what all the obscure playground equipment was actually used for. That was fun.

After the poor showing yesterday, I fairly well pounced on the idea of getting drunk last night, so when I got home, saw Corey and Brandon drinking around the fire it took about 3 seconds to convince me that joining in was just about the best idea in

Cor and I tore off to go get more 'supplies' and the Cinnamon Toast Crunch I'd promised Wayne for driving me around all weekend before the grocery and liquor stores closed at 11, and then got back to happily engage in getting the party started.

And so we did. I suggested partway through the evening that we all play truth or dare since we were drinking and inhibitions were down, and contrary to what Mr Roberts says.. it was very fun.

I danced on the picnic table in only my skivvies (beautiful floral granny panties that they were.. I am truly the sexiest girl I know, y'all), Wayne girated to music only in his head while he gave us his rendition of a 'sexy dance' and Rossy made angels in the long grass completely in the nude. Brandon just told us a lot of dirty d's about himself.. he was cheap.

I don't remember dragging my speakers inside and dropping my MP3 player enroute (good thing I have Wayne around to clean up after me), I don't remember Corey snapping pictures of me in my underoos as I girated on the table, and I really don't remember how I got to bed.

I do know that my head/stomach/body/hair all hurt this morning, and that Wayne and I loaded up Linc and rushed off to the show so we weren't late after I leisurely slept in all morning.

And that as we were packing things up, Corey came wandering out of his room looking dejected as hell and quite obviously NOT @ work like he was supposed to be. He was in an accident this morning driving Brandon back home to Sherwood Park and totalled the Mercedes Kompressor he borrowed from his dealership, so was on his way to the hospital to go get checked out.

Corey, Corey, Corey. Only guy I know that actually attempts to compress a Kompressor.

Got to the show, and one of the males that was entered but didn't show yesterday, showed up today. Linc and I took First and Winners Male over him for his first point, so my puppy is now on his way to his Championship.

Drove back, grabbed Mickey D's to counteract the awful feelings going on in my stomach, and he drove Rossy and I to the hospital where we proceeded to spend the next 4.5 hours waiting for x-ray and CT scan results just to get a 'thumbs up, you're free to go home, now' result from the doctor. Here's a note to the morons working at the Royal Alec today... your workload probably wouldn't be so excessive if you just dealt with the things that are easily dealt with and were a little more efficient. 4+ hours just to get x-ray results is a pretty excessive wait time.

Don't worry though.. we pilfered a bottle of the hospital's air freshener since the new roommate smells oddly like ham. We always get even.


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