I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I Know, I Know

I've been slacking. Lil Miss, I-update-every-2-days-at-least hasn't wrote anything since Sunday.

This week's just been so weird and tumultuous that I think about writing something, and by the time I get around to it, it's not funny, it's not entertaining and it's not true anymore.

Now I have the true past 3 days of festivities to bore everyone with.

They've put me on Senior's customer care at work.. now I sit in a little desk in a little office all by my lonesome and deal purely with senior citizen and handicapped customers. Not that I'm complaining. It's a pretty sweet deal.

I get to sit my entire shift, talk about nothing with geriatric old men who call me 'Angel' and recieve a metric ton of candy. Old folks love giving me candy.

The only problem?

Since I'm the only teller who takes care of purely seniors, I usually have a line backed up down the benches in the bank with customers who would rather sit and deal with me than walk up to the totally empty queue and deal with someone else. And then they complain about the long wait time, as they SLOWLY search their pocket or purse for their bankbook or card or bill or cheque or whatever, and slowly sign their name on transactions and aimlessly transfer money back and forth between accounts, only to withdraw it.

It's a good thing the vast majority of them are really sweet. I have a lot of patience when it comes to seniors, but it does get really old having to wait 20 minutes for them to find their transactions when they've been sitting on the bench waiting for 20 minutes for me to help them. I'd like to put up a sign...
"Please have at least a basic grasp of what you'd like to do before you enter here"

It's a good thing I was PMS-ing last week. This could have been hell.

Reba didn't get put down on Tuesday like was planned. I was all set to leave on Saturday night to go say goodbye, and when I called my mom to let her know, she said, 'She seems to be fine now, I think we can afford to wait on it'. Was a vast relief, but also, made me spitting mad since I'd spent the entire day moping, and crying and hugging everything thinking it was inevitable that my baby was going to be gone on Tuesday. It's still inevitable that she'll pass at some point during the summer, and hopefully by then I can take a week off and spend it in bed with tissues and a blotchy complexion.

Wayne got back last night. I'm so happy he's back, I'd really missed him. We got dinner at Joey Tomato's, since Rossy quit at Hollister and got a job in the kitchen there, and it was an awesome meal.

Have a dog show in the Southside this weekend. Am nervous as hell and should ACTUALLY be bathing my dog as we speak. I got the shampoo and stuff ready and now I'm procrastinating. Go figure.

And we got a new roommate. Rossy's best friend, Tyler, or Raven, as he prefers to be called, moved in last night.

So much can happen in just 3 days.


Blogger DTD Time Traveler said...

Maybe you are the one who is to give them the basic grasp of what it is they want to do...?

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 10:33:00 PM PDT


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