I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

For Fun?

Meeting people online sucks.

Lately I find that I meet a guy that seems remotely interesting, and then 2 minutes into the conversation the inevitable happens.

So what do you do for fun?

I don't like this question because I don't really do anything that other people classify as fun.

I drink cheap fruit wine (often alone), sit outside and make bets with myself on which dog catches the squirrel first, toss things at the cat when she scratches the furniture, crave chocolate and then stage impromptu trips to 7/11 at 3 in the morning and moan to the guys about how pathetically alone I feel while eating the aforementioned.

Should I go into supreme detail on how I really enjoy eating licorice during Family Guy marathons?

How about cranking up 'Volvo Driving Soccer Mom' and singing along in a really offkey voice?

Or should I mention how I got a high score in 'Freaky Factory' when playing Neopets tonight?

I think it's fun.. other people.. not so much.

So what do I say?

Tonight I ate crackers in my kitchen and stared at a spot on the wall for about 25 minutes while my roommate's cracked jokes about how spaced out I looked?

No.. that's no good at all.

I read a lot lately.


Yeah.. like books and stuff.

Oh yeah.. what sort?

Ones with words.

And abruptly the conversation dies.

I should have read 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' again. I suck at this.

I really need a hobby.


Blogger DTD Time Traveler said...

trips to 7/11 at 3am...what's wrong with that? I've done that lots before...there's a reason it's open that late!

Latest weird hobby I too part in was driving around at 1am with a giant spotlighted pointed out the car window. I mean...if you really need a hobby..it's not bad.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006 at 7:13:00 PM PDT


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