I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

I should be cleaning

The first time I was ever in a bar was when I was 16.. the bouncer was busy hitting on my friend and didn't bother carding us
That bar doesn't exist anymore
My landlord is gay
So are both of my roommates
I think my brother might be, too
I'm terrified of heights
I didn't used to be, but when I was 6, the Shrine Circus came to town and my uncle made my ride an elephant
I don't eat fish because the same uncle that made me ride the elephant took me crab fishing and then dropped the crab I befriended into a pot of boiling water
I can't stand drinking pop most days
Because it makes me remember every hangover I've ever had after drinking highballs
My middle name is Lee
I think it's boring, and endeavour that if I ever have kids, I will break 3 generations worth of tradition and give her a weird MN like Kimora
Yeah, Kimora
I've been cleaning house all morning
I hate cleaning
But I really like buying fun cleaning supplies
I seriously suck at playing dating head games, because I hate head games
I'm secretly jealous of people who play them so nonchalantly though
I like this one guy I'm seeing but I'm embarrased to tell people I met him online
I'm also embarrased to admit my longest relationship ever was also concieved online
I sometimes wonder why I stayed with him for so long
I have one ex that I may never get over


Blogger DTD Time Traveler said...

Wow...that was a really random string of facts!
Yes, Lee isn't the most exciting middle name...but it seems to link your first name and your last name really well if you say your full name...ever get called by that when a parent was mad at you?

Friday, April 28, 2006 at 11:20:00 PM PDT

Blogger breepeace said...

*LOL* All the time!

Saturday, April 29, 2006 at 11:16:00 AM PDT


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