Bad/Good Luck
Well apparently Lachlan brings good luck.. but only in small doses. Linc took Reserve Winners Male yesterday out of 4 dogs, and again, remained immensely happy, so that was all good. If his front becomes stronger with age, this hardcore show stuff is going to be natural for the both of us.
The picture above is of my big win from this weekend. I competed in Brace with Linc and his litter sister, Jaguar. We were the only Siberian brace entered and so obviously took Best in Breed, but we also took Best Brace in Group defeating a duo of Boxers and Rottweilers.
Our judge, who was from South Africa, was a very sweet lady who adored my set of black masked bandits and declared them 'simply gorgeous'. She also requested a copy of the above picture, which as people in the dog fancy know, is a huge honor.
Today Lincoln duplicated his Reserve win, which means that out of the 3 dogs we had at the show, as subpar as the placements were, he did the best. The winner is a very nice puppy though, and more mature than puppy man is, and you can't be upset if a better dog won.
Anyway, enough dog show ramblings..
Sent the folks to Trooper last night. Sadly they were disappointed... by 11 Trooper still wasn't onstage, the cover band from Stony Plain 'sucked ass' (Mom's words) and canned music (Mony, Mony to be exact) was blaring from the speakers resulting in a loud of drunk singing along. Sober as they were, they left early and met me and G outside after we were done being geeks in the arcade and playing glow-in-the-dark mini golf (which I maintain that I won with nothing worse than a PAR, baby!).
They left mid afternoon (or was it early evening? I hate daylight savings time!), and hopefully should be back home before long.
Lachlan's back from the Deer tonight, and popping by to say hi when we DON'T have chaperones. ;)
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