I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Mundane for Monday

- The poetry ads on the bus ('Take the Poetry Route') are awful. How are chocolate and snow even remotely related??

- The ads for ETS' BOB campaign about Fare being Fair drive me nuts, too. Actually.. I just have a dislike for BOB himself. He's anal. And ugly.

- It took the entirety of my bus' route down Jasper Ave. before my P.O.S. MP3 player started actually playing music instead of flashing the LCD screen off and on at me. I really wish I'd bought an iPod a year ago instead. :(

- My bus seat was slightly damp, and I was slightly disturbed.

- I totally read over the shoulder of the chick in front of me until I realized I was reading about Hinduism and Transcendental Meditation. Who reads books like that for fun?

- There's a Home Hardware right by my house, and today was honestly the first time I EVER noticed it. I'm so not an observant person. Now I want to paint my house.

- I caught myself humming along to that Hawksley Workman song 'Striptease' until the guy across the aisle raised his eyebrow at me.

- I should really get my landlord to replace my stove tonight, lest we go ANOTHER month without a working one.

- Timmy's 'Roll up the Rim to Win' contest sucks. I've won 2 donuts and I buy at least 2 teas a day.


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