I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Monday and a Summary in Pictures

Well it's now 10pm and I'm still cooking supper, landlord Steve finally brought us a new WORKING oven at about 7 tonight, so I decided to ring it in by making Shepherd's Pie.. something I think only I could crave.

Got an email back from Jeanette at ATB today. It turns out she called me in late February to set up and interview, but SOMEONE (namely a roommate someone) took a message that they never passed on to me.

Lachlan's still hot.

I'm psyched about the show this weekend. Going to take Linc to classes tomorrow night, pony up the $15 and get him used to the idea that he's not just the cute puppy who gets into the garbage daily, but an impending seasoned show dog. Or something.

I got my hair cut today.. so almost 8 months worth of dead growth is now thriving in my stylist's trash can and I'm sporting a flirty little cut, with actual bounce, body and shape. Ross noticed.. I think he told Adam to mention it and so he did. No one else did. :(
My couch is still beautiful and I still love it. Almost fell asleep while folding towels on it last night.

And rather than getting a job to pay for Summer's therapy, Dade and discovered last night that giving her a $1 hacky sack works better than $140 sessions with a crackpot doggie shrink.

And Dade brought breakfast food home. So Ross is happy.


Blogger Quirky Cori said...

I have to tell you that you are not the only one to crave shepherd's pie. My James adores the stuff and in fact, if he read this blog I bet he'd be making some for us tomorrow night! Oh and my mother makes it quite often too. I like hers most of the time. Just don't tell her I said that!

What vegetable did you use?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 at 5:18:00 PM PST


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