I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Fun 'N Cards

Today was a 'double day' which meant I left at like 9 am this morning, worked all day at the bank and then off to Hallmark for the closing shift.

CIBC was nothing special. My feet hurt, and I was out of it, that's about it.

By the time I made it to Hallmark, was so damn tired that I found EVERYTHING hilarious.

Dustin and I played with the musical cards for a bit to pass the time.. of course I suck at belting out 'Stand by Me' just as much as I suck at belting out everything else.

When that got old we settled on a very juvenile covert mission to shoot the other with elastics. That got old when he had 6 to my measly 2 left. Then I called a truce.

By the end of the night, we were pulling out little glass figurines and making stories up about them.

For example, 'Drinking too much of this' (glass figurine of a wine bottle) after a lucky streak playing these (glass dice) often results in this (bride and groom figurines)'.

You must understand how foggy my head is.

Going to watch that Harold and Kumar flick now, since stoner comedy is about all I'm able to comprehend.


Blogger DTD Time Traveler said...

Sweet, that movie is awesome!

"Bullets - my only weakness! How did you know?"

Stoner humour is usually pretty sicked and messed up stuff but that one has its moments

Thursday, March 9, 2006 at 10:46:00 PM PST


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