Da Boys
I totally stole this from Nex profile, Dade.. don't shoot me.. I loved it.. and you stole my line about breathing fire or speaking poetry anyway, so we're even. ;)
Anyway.. today was alright for a 12 hour gig. Did a bunch of online tests to quiz my knowledge of banking this far, passed all 4 I took today with a spectacular 4.0 GPA. Probably the first time I've ever got to say that.. let me relish it.
Also found out Dustin at Hallmark is best friend's with Pumpkin (aka Kyle). So I scared the hell out of Kyle when he called the store today asking for Dustin and I was like 'Is this Kyle Leske?'. I'm not sure what was going through his head in that exact moment but I'll bet it was funny and stalker related.
He's leaving Instahell too, which is a feelgood. Forgot to call Tam tonight to prompt her to send her resume into CIBC.. mental note to self to do it on the morrow. Otherwise.. I'm out.
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