11.5 hours in today.. no wonder my eyes won't focus anymore. I don't work both jobs tomo, so I think I'll call it naptime when I get home, and then cram in a date or something, just so my social life doesn't look so lacklustre.
I'm truly beginning to hate mass transit.
I checked the clock one more time before I walked out the door, this morning, and I know what it said.
It said the bus came in 5 minutes, so why did I see the bus crawling past my street, achingly slow less than 20 seconds after I locked the front door?
I suppose I could have chased it, but honestly, I spend too many other mornings doing that. My composure can't always take it when I'm still half asleep as I oft am in the wee hours prior to work.
And there's a good example of my perverse way of thing...
Rather than frazzle myself before a 1/2 hour busride downtown, catch the next bus and remain sufficiently frazzled the entire commute and then arrive downtown, on your first day at the new job, a fill 10 minutes early for your shift, and hoof it a block and a half to the building.
It was garbage pickup day today. I also hate garbage pickup day.
They seem to send a base minimum of 10 trucks to my neighbourhood, so at 7 in the morning you're greeted by the sound of hydraulic lifts and that annoying beeping reverse warning.
Of course, the dogs are fond of it, as well.
Lincoln usually resorts to pouncing on my stomach, full on, 'Oh for the love of God, Mom, SAVE ME!' while Summer casually attempts to dig up the carpet in my closet, looking for a safe place to hide. Couple of neurotics.
It's a joy that comes but once a week.. too much.
I read something the other day about how the City is planning to implement a policy requiring people to purchase tags for their bags before they can be picked up.
I personally like (or can live with) the neat little sanitation surcharge on my Epcor bill, rather than trekking downtown to pay for individual tags every few weeks.
I can see a few flaws with the arrangement, too.
Do they honestly think anyone is going to enjoy partaking in keeping their nighbourhood and/or yards pristine and trash free if we personally are in charge of individually paying for the disposal of said undesirables?
And they'd like us to refrain from making our bags more than 10kg?
Fat chance. It'd be cramming the bag to capacity. But then I'm cheap. And broke.
Had the absolute WORST turkey breast sandwich from Tim's in Commerce Place during lunch, today. The only thing that came even close, I certainly didn't pay $5 for.
Such joyful characters working there, too. Customer service might be dead.
Saw something 'Original' would enjoy whilst eating and being stared at through the window.. A Mini converted into a Red Bull ad. Too cool. How about this, too?
Corey and I were joking last night about panhandling from panhandlers, and I got my chance today -- TWICE. And I blew it.
Some chickie came up to me in the middle of my sandwich IN Tim Horton's asking if I could spare some change.
The joke was supposed to be that "No, you absolutely did not have spare change, but if SHE/HE could spare some, that would awesome". Or something lame in that thread that seemed funny while we were in convulsions about it last night, high on curry and stuff.
After eating, I went outside for a smoke, and the same woman, same question, etc.
I was just so aghast that she didn't remember me (I mean, honestly, EVERYONE remembers me, right?) I just blurted out, "You JUST asked me INSIDE", and walked away.
Man, I cannot believe I blew that opportunity twice.
Work was fine. Long but fine.
I just casually observed at the bank, and learned closing at the store. Got out of there in record time, too. I mean.. for the first time closing. 25 minutes or something stupid like that.
Deny that I'm proud, I dare you.
It's a crisp night, tonight. But I could still sit outside comfortably in my blazer. Best damn investments, ever, those things.
Kelly, my boss @ the p/t switched up my schedule so I don't have to be out of CIBC at 10 after, on days I double at the store. So that makes me a happy clam.
I dare those of you NOT familiar with my p/t job to guess what it is.
It's not clothing retail, West Ed has 2 locations both of which recently turned corporate although Edmonton is home to a host of privatized locations and the company colors are purple and gold. Sufficiently vague? I hope so.
Guess what it is, and I'll send whoever is correct one of what I sell.
Ready? Go.
And Shane and Justin, you're omitted from above contest (along with 2 roomie type people), due to prior knowledge.
Don't ruin it.
Not that I mind anyone knowing where I work part-time.. it's just... Contests are more fun.
I only wish. :(
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 at 4:16:00 PM PST
jamEs has two guesses, #1 - The Lions Club. #2 - Crown Royal. I think he's hoping for some booze or some old guys.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 at 4:36:00 PM PST
I'm going to go and guess -- HALLMARK. My other guess would be Peoples, but I don't think you would go and get me a ring... even though if you do work there I would love some diamonds or some saphirres, ohh what about rubies? Oh I guess anything will do.
did I get it right? Will you send me something that you sell?
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 at 4:42:00 PM PST
*LOL* @ Dade..
And Cori's the winner of the day.. which is perfect because I found the best card at HALLMARK for you today anyway. :D
Watch your mailbox.. I think I still have a Christmas pressie from like 2 years ago to mail to you anywho. :p
Bad little sis.
Thursday, February 23, 2006 at 9:50:00 PM PST
You are! I should get someone to spank you on my behalf! Meow!
Oh.... and I like presents! tee hee!
Friday, February 24, 2006 at 7:14:00 PM PST
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