I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Monday, February 27, 2006

What the hell do I do?

How the hell do you handle a grown guy who acts like a child?

What do you do when someone you used to call a really close friend starts taking advantage of you in every possible way, and then comes through with absolutely no respect for you or the things you love, to boot?

When they talk about you behind your back, but don't have the balls to say anything to your face about it, and then act like the biggest suckup the day after, maybe out of guilt.

What do you do when he's obviously aware of how badly he's manipulated the situation to meet his own needs, but seems almost incapable of caring? Or too self-centered?

What is the point in retaining a friendship where it's always more take than give, you can't trust them anymore because everything they tells you seems falsified, they make excuses for every bad move they make instead of admitting they were wrong and the relationship gives you more bad feelings than good?

Or what about a friendship where that person needs you to be there to build them up when they feel shitty or need help, but can never reciprocate when you need the help or strength? When that person feels the guy they met a week ago matters more to them than a 7 year friendship does?

Doesn't seem worth it to me.


Blogger Quirky Cori said...

oH sweetie, it sounds like you've got yourself a pickle!

You obviously care very deeply about this friend or else you wouldn't have any issues with what they do or say. It's hard because maybe this friend is too close to you. Perhaps they have seen you at your best and love that person - but maybe now they are having growing pains and need to make a different choice.

My suggestion isn't to completely discount this friendship. I think you should be able to talk it out and give each other some space. People make mistakes. I do it almost every single day. It doesn't mean that I can't feel bad about making them and it doesn't mean that I intend to hurt people but things happen.

Honestly sis, I think that you are going to be miserable if you just let this friendship go away. You deserve to be treated with respect, but you have to respect that sometimes people need to let off a little steam.

As I found out recently, not everyone can love you or even like you 100% of the time. Be patient and try to remember what's great about your friendship and I think that everything will be okay.

I still love you sis! Don't ever forget it!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 at 5:18:00 AM PST


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