I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Weekend

Well, as I said, Friday I quit my part-time job at Hallmark due to a horrid coworker.

The entire shift I was made to feel like an imbecile, a halfwit, a know-nothing, and after coming off a day shift at CIBC, I couldn't take it, so halfway through my shift I walked out. I went to the other store, asked the guy how anyone could handle working with her, and was told that 'No one can, that's why we all work at this store'.

I came home, irrate, upset and called my mom who always manages to calm me down.

After I got off the phone with her, I checked my voicemail to be greeted by not one, but two voicemails from my boss at Hallmark giving me three numbers to call her back at ASAP to find out what happened.

I put it off until yesterday afternoon, when I was rushing to get ready, just got her voicemail so I left a message and then Ross, Lachlan and I left to go to the concert.

Good night. We got there extra early to make sure we would get good spots, and ended up playing in the arcade for an hour or two.

Red's took out Outrun 2, which now just leaves the Highrun Club in Capilano as the only place left to go play my game.

Lachlan and I played another car racing game though, and of course I won. Like there's any doubt. :)

We grabbed some food from the food court, since the restaurant in Red's was packed to capacity and then came back to wait for Ross' mom, Chantel, and her friend to show.

They didn't show up until about quarter to 10, and by then 'Looker' was up on stage with the opening act. They're a cover band for the most part, and I had a lot of fun belting out the songs I remember from road trips with the parental units.

Chantel, her friend Joanne, and I went outside for some nicotine just before their last song started, and I had to sneak them back in since they avoided the reduced cover that came with the promo tix we got. That was easy enough though. I had on an amazing lowcut art deco shirt that I rediscovered in a bag of clothes that used to be too small for me (Yay for losing weight!), and I did look amazing last night. The bouncer stared at my chest while I asked him about the Bo Diddly concert coming up, and Chantel and Joanne scooted inside.

When the Jeff Healey Band came onstage, a roar went up in the crowd for the amazing blind guitarist namesake of the band, and we all settled in to some good blues.

Some annoying fat latino chick kept wandering back and forth to stop in front of people and sway while narrowly missing gouging out your eyes with her sausage fingers, so that was fun.

Also the barhags with the Aquanet-ted hair in front of us, yelling 'I love you, Jeff!', and the drunk guys behind out shouting out 'Fuck yeah, Jeff!' and 'Want another shot of Crown, Jeffy-boy?' probably left about a gallon of spit on me everytime they opened their mouths.

But overall was a good night. Lachlan was being extra touchy last night, and during 'Angel Eyes' held me close and nuzzled my hair. *Swoon*

We left just before they wrapped up to avoid the long delays at coatcheck, and came home where I got another great goodnight kiss.

Today my boss from Hallmark called me back, to finally find out what happened on Friday, so I explained the entire story, in which she apologized profusely and offered me my job back at the other store (*note* The store everyone else who's been driven mad by Brenda the ho-beast works out of). I accepted, but told her no more than 3 shifts a week, since I'm finally like sheer and utter death during the 4 I've been taking. We'll see how this pans out.

Landlord Steve came over to help me fix the backgate again, and apparently my project for next set of days off is to repaint the bathroom *gasp* antique white. It's just got a lot of water damage around the toilet and tub, and looks utterly ghetto, so it's better this way.

Oh.. and I guess I'm acquiring another gay man, since Dade's moving in mid March. :)


Blogger breepeace said...

*L* Well.. we'll talk about it.

Sunday, February 26, 2006 at 6:22:00 PM PST


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