I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

So Tired

So I passed out about 5-ish, and at 9, on the button, this am, I get a phone call from the temp agency asking if I can sign some paperwork before I go in for training at the position I'm temping for next week. I'm utterly exhausted, but to the point where sleep isn't coming easily.

Thus.. another survey..

1.You can press a button that will make any one person explode.
Hmm.. pending that I don't actually have to watch the explosion (Blood and innards aren't my forte), I think Saddamn Hussein would be a great candidate. The man's just a tyrant, and I can't think of a single candidate more deserving.

2. You can flip a switch that will wipe any band or musical artist out of existence. Uhh Hanson.. but I think the switch has been flipped. I'd like a switch that would stop Mmm Bop from existing, though. Horrid little boy band.

3. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
There's honestly only one person whom I loathe on a constant basis. The woman tried to buy my dog from me when I was 12, and then many years later, had the audacity to tell me Summer had a 'temperament problem' at a show. I came so close to stroking her. She's like 3 times the size of me, though.. I'm glad my mom and Lisa held me back.

4. What is your favorite cheese?

5. You can only have one kind of sandwich, which one?
Philly Cheese Steak.. it incorporates everything! *sigh* Grease.

6. You have the opportunity to sleep with the movie-celebrity of your choice. We are talking no strings attached sex. Who would it be?
Umm.. well Angelina Jolie before the baby bump.. male, I'd have to say Adam Brody.. I know, I know.. he's really more of a TV celeb, but I groove on the dork.

7. You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who is it?
Raine Maida from Our Lady Peace.. he's getting old.. still hot. Or Mark McGrath from Sugar Ray.

8. Now that you've slept with two different people in a row, you seem to be having an excellent day because you just came across a hundred-dollar bill on the sidewalk. Holy crap, a hundred bucks! What do you spend it on?:
Hahaha.. groceries. I'm so pathetic. I'll also have an appetite after all the nookie.

9. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you going?
Spain, no hesitations. Well, maybe Australia. Greece? No.. Spain.

10. Upon arrival to the aforementioned location, you get off the plane and discover another hundred-dollar bill. Now that you are in the new location, where are you gonna go to spend that?:
Is this my only money? If so, then logically it needs to go a long way. If not, then some fun souvenirs.

11. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. "Be brand-specific", what is it?:
Why is an angel offering me booze? That's odd. Probably Rye. That's boring isn't it?

12. Rufus appears out of nowhere with a time-traveling phone booth. You can go anytime in the PAST. What time are you traveling to and what are you going to do when you get there?:
The beginning of high school.. I wouldn't put so much emphasis on the status quo, more on schoolwork. Might even 'apply myself'.

13. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?:
That I do nothing.. absolutely nothing. I'm perpetually on strike. And I'm worshipped -- that's important, too.

14. You have been given the opportunity to create the half-hour TV show of your own design. What is it called and what's the premise?:
I'm going to look like such a dork, but honestly, I'd have a sitcom about dog shows. It'd be slapstick, but how's that any different from the real fancy. It would probably bomb in it's first season, but I'd be satiated.

15. What is your favorite expletive?:
Fuck.. I'm very Manhattan with it. It gets sprinkled in everywhere. And it can be used for everything. "That fuck stole my smokes", "Say, Wanna fuck?".. Ok, Ok, I'll stop.

16. One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren't really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What do you do?:
Kick them out of my room.. Mummies watching me while I sleep is creepy. I get cookies before I go back to sleep, too. Always craving sweets when I wake up.

17. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object.
My purse.. I'll need it.

18. You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What's it gonna be?: The power to seduce any man.. or mind reading. That would be cool.

19. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool stuff... you can move to anywhere else in the world!
I'm in Spain, right? Then I'm going back to Canada.

20. This question still counts, even for those of you who are under age. Check it out. You have been eternally banned from every single bar in the world except for ONE: Cowboys in Calgary.. I love this bar!

21. Hopefully you didn't mention this in the super-powers question.... If you did, then we'll just expand on that. Check it out... Suddenly, you have gained the ability to FLOAT!!! Who's house are you going to float to first, and be like "Dude check it out I can float!
I'd probably float home if it didn't take too long. Maybe to St Albert to say hi to Wayne. Who doesn't like to float?

22. The constant absorption of magical moonbeams mixed with the radioactive vegetables you consumed earlier have given you the ability to resurrect the dead person of your choice. Who is it?
My grandpa.. as long as it's not a Monkey's Paw sort of thing and I could set him back in time.

23. What's your theme song? Chasin' You Around by Sugar Ray


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