I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Agonies of the Dating World

I must be the most infuriating person to date.. honestly.

Not only do I have a prerequisite of AT LEAST 5 dates before anything is going to happen, but if I happen to be in serial dating mode, 5 dates could last 5 months.

Unfortunately for one guy I'm seeing.. I'm in serial dating mode, and I had a short term relationship thrown in to boot.

We've now dated 3 times, which has taken us over a span of almost 5 months..

He's a little behind in the game.

He's a very sweet, very attentive guy and I do like him, but my head's not in the right place for anything but the dating right now, and if I have the chance to revert back to the serially dating self I enjoyed, I should really take it.

Anyway, I guess the only kind of guy I could really classify as 'my type' is a shy guy, and he's definitely that.

10 minutes of stilted conversation tonight before we figured out it was ok to kiss for the first time.

Well ok, I took the initiative. I might suck on a lot of aspects, but I guess that's my forte. Why prolong the inevitable?

But anyway.. back to my original point. At what point do men decide it's not worth it to pay for dinner, drinks, movies, etc etc etc, if there's no sexual payout?

I mean, if I'm in this stage of the game, I might date 2,3,4, maybe even 5 guys at once without sleeping with any of them, just to gauge if there's anything worth pursuing. I may really enjoy sex, but it's a very personal thing for me, and there's no chance I want to bare it all if there's no chance he'll stick around once our clothes are on again.

I think that's reasonable..

Are my old fashioned ideas on dating too old fashioned?


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