I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Mmm Yeah.. Drugs are BAD, kids

So last night I had a little slip of my usual self control when it comes to drugs. I rarely do them, limit myself to about 3 times a year, tops, and that's usually when I'm home and the folks are smoking up.

Anyway, last night I was talking to Corey and Gunner in Corey's room, when Gunner sparks up a doobie and passes it to me. I contemplated it for a second, and thought, "Hmm.. it's a little early in the year, but what the hey", and took a hoot.

Now.. with weed, I'm giddy for about 2.5 seconds and then my primary needs are for food and sleep. Possibly food while napping. And water.

Reason enough not to do it, but like I said... was a slip up.

I went downstairs to watch some more TV with Wayne, and things were fine.

I was just about to admit what I'd done before I passed out, when Ross comes downstairs.

"We're ordering Pizza"

"Mmmm.. Pizza.. what kind? Are they still...?"

"Oh yeah.. they're all stoned, you're looking better"

Wayne tenses up and glances at me, to which I try to smooth the situation by saying 'Ta Da! There's my admission!'

Why Oh Why, does pot make you think stupid things like that are funny, or a good idea?

I think it's then I realize Wayne's one pissed off little trooper, and I'm in deep ka-ka.

I know.. it was dumb..

I guess what I'm trying to say is, Wayne, I'm extremely sorry about last night.


Blogger Quirky Cori said...

Um yeah, Bridgit... you aren't a teenager anymore and I really think it's time that you admit you have a problem....

Yeah.... like I could ever tell that to you!

Anyhow, I know how Wayne feels. James took a hit or two a year or so ago and I caught him doing it and I never realized how much it bothered me. When I lived out in Jasper (before I lived with you) everyone was doing it pretty much all the time. I thought I was okay with it. I guess I wasn't because I kind of went ballistic.

Yep, us old prudes are not fun - but then again, we are amazing in the bedroom. Isn't that right Wayne?

Monday, January 16, 2006 at 6:12:00 PM PST


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