I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Dear Heart -- Prepare to Shatter, Dear Stomach -- Prepare for Cheesecake


Remember.. there were 3 types of people that I met this past summer.

1) Those I didn't click with.
2) Those I clicked with but wasn't attracted to.
3) Those who met both of the former criteria, but then decided keeping their options open was the way to go.

Thanks for falling into the latter category.

I can date several guys at once. I can't sleep with several guys at once, and we've breached that subject already many times before. Therefore the entire idea of me continuing to see you, while pursuing the Single-girl-in-the-city thing is not likely to work out well. Well, lest I be accused of headgames, AGAIN. But why are you playing games with me?

When your entire demeanour this past weekend screamed that you were craving and enjoying the close proximity, and then you open your mouth and say something else last night.
The reason this system has worked so well for me in the past is because I can enjoy the company of several different men by never having that serious physical encounter. That's where the complications happen. I can only give myself physically to someone if I feel that they are someone I'd like to pursue something exclusively with. Guess what? You were someone I wanted to pursue something exclusively with.

For crying out loud.. I want nothing from you besides the pleasure of your company and the mutual agreement that you'd like to re-pursue this. I don't want a ring, a lifelong committment or you to move in with me. I just wanted you to tell me that you'd like to see where this goes as an exclusive pattern, and I don't understand why that was so damn hard.

Man.. I thought you were different, but I guess you just turned out to be every other guy.

So.. do nice guys really finish last? Or do they put themselves in that situation without realizing it?

End Rant. I need coffee.


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