I'm a few clowns short of a circus, and unfortunately I've disillusioned myself into thinking I can write. Godspeed.

Monday, March 14, 2005

I'm a dork!

TEN Random/Stupid/Embarassing Things About Me
10. Sometimes I use the word 'copious' in a unrelated sentence just to see how many people I can fool into thinking I'm intelligent.
9. I was named after a sex symbol.
8. I almost got arrested once because I put a box of condoms under my sweater when I saw my boyfriend's mom in a drug store. One of the stockboys saw me, but he let me off once I explained what had happened.
7. I have a mild obsession with eyes and late night cartoons.
6. I have admitted I would have a lesbian encounter with Angelina Jolie, Elizabeth Hurley and Sandra Bullock.. in about that order.
5. All the sound schemes on my home computer are audio clips from my favorite cartoons.
4. On my days off, my dog and I perfect a dance routine to a remixed version of 'Total Eclipse of the Heart'.
3. I used to play the ukelele fairly well.
2. I, too, have walked into parked cars.
1. Fairly recently, I went out on a drunk with a few coworkers and got dared to get 10 phone numbers in an hour. I was falling short when the end of the hour neared, so I needed to start giving out my number in exchange. I gave at least 3 guys the phone number to a cab company, and only the verrry sober bouncer I exchanged with recognized it (462-3456, baby!)

Shamelessly stolen from my big sis, Corina's much prettier blog!


Blogger Quirky Cori said...

hey, as long as you keep blogging -- I don't care if you steal ideas from me! I love reading things you've written so keep it up sista!

Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 5:38:00 AM PST


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